Spin-Wave Voices

We are in a search of alternative ways of living, more efficient, less energy consuming ways. But some of the modern technologies are so small and fast that they are already out of the range of our perception. The future will bring something even more sophisticated. Did you ever try to imagine how all those gigabytes and billions of gigabytes of information are processed and transferred around the world so quickly? Researchers are already working on alternative, faster, more efficient way of doing that as well. With this exhibit we did our best to bring you closer to the possible future of computational technologies.


Project lead: Santa Pile (Institute of Semiconductor and Solid State Physics JKU Linz)

Artistic lead: Martin Gasser (University of Applied Arts Vienna)

Visualisation: Santa Pile, Christina Humer (Institute of Computer Graphics JKU Linz)

Sonification: Martin Gasser, Silvan David Peter (Institute of Computational Perception JKU Linz)

Micromagnetic simulations: Santa Pile

Video production: Santa Pile, Oleg Lesota (Institute of Computational Perception JKU)

Consult/help at the exhibition: Andreas Ney (Institute of Semiconductor and Solid State Physics JKU Linz), Verena Ney (Institute of Semiconductor and Solid State Physics JKU Linz), Marc Streit (Institute of Computer Graphics JKU Linz)

©2025 Martin Gasser. All rights reserved.