Ingeborg Bachmann-Kuppel

For Armin Guerino's and Gerhard Fresacher's dome installation, I developed a generative sound work that brings texts by the Austrian authors Ingeborg Bachmann and Gert Jonke into context with each other. The sound installation is inspired by Bachmann's frequent use of the topic transientness and Jonke's concept of Language as Music.

The permanent sound installation oscillates between a grain cloud generated from recordings of Bachmann texts and a random selection of concrete Bachmann and Jonke texts, creating a virtual conversation between the two authors. Each text is accompanied by a piano part that is generated by analyzing the speech signal and triggering piano tones by the fundamental frequencies of the human voice, thereby removing the actual meaning of the words and leaving only the musical aspect of the spoken text.

The software was implemented in SuperCollider and it runs on a Raspberry Pi computer.

For the opening ceremony of the dome installation, I composed music inspired by the texts, which was performed live by the pianist Ana Tijssen and myself.

See this ORF report.


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